
Finder, order directory before files

One of most popular problems wose that swicher but also people that work in many directory is that File and Directory are mixed, and is strange because under linux and windows if I order for Type/Kind, folder have a priority, and are displayed before files!

Under Tiger/Leopard, there isnt' a good way for do that, but why? I've searched on google for few days without any result, other than the some tips like order by size or use finder replacement like path finder.

So, I decided to do all thing for make finder better, and the solution that I found is very very simple to do but very very usefull.

The first thing that I do wose, set details view and order by Kind

Now, you can see (on image), that Folders are displayed after "Archivie Zip".

So I searched in all my system files, the word "Folder" for rename it in "~Folder"

So go here:

and open with your preferred edito (Mine is TextMate) and open this file:

You see something like that:

Add "~" (Alt+5) before "Folder", like the image and save the file.

Your editor ask for root password.

After save, restart your Finder, right click on Finder icon under pressing the key ALT and Reopen your Finder.

Reopen your directory and order it by Kind and you su this very very very beautifull result!

Very good no???