RAILS_ROOT/config/initializers/session_store.rb file
ActionController::Base.session = { :key => 'YOUR_KEY', :secret => 'YOUR_SECRET', :expire_after => 180.minutes, :domain => '.DOMAIN_NAME.com' }
Regardless of what we discover, we must understand and truly believe that everyone did the best job he or she could, given what was known at the time, his or her skills and abilities, the resources available, and the situation at hand.
ActionController::Base.session = { :key => 'YOUR_KEY', :secret => 'YOUR_SECRET', :expire_after => 180.minutes, :domain => '.DOMAIN_NAME.com' }
busybox mke2fs /dev/block/vold/179:2This will output some data. Once done on the second partition we now have an ext2 file system.
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock1 /system mkdir /system/sdThen we need to mount the ext2 partition and we can do this via this command:
mount -t ext2 /dev/block/vold/179:2 /system/sdWe need to now copy the data from the data directory to the ext2 partition, as we want to preserve
cd /data/ tar -cvf /system/sd/app.tar app tar -cvf /system/sd/data.tar data tar -cvf /system/sd/dalvik-cache.tar dalvik-cache cd /system/sd tar -xvf app.tar tar -xvf data.tar tar -xvf dalvik-cache.tar rm *.tar
#!/system/bin/sh # /system/etc/init-sd.sh& The next is called init-sd.sh and contains the following: #!/system/bin/sh # MYLOG=/data/install-recovery.log echo "$(date) Starting install-recovery.sh" > $MYLOG echo "$(date) Waiting SD to become ready..." >> $MYLOG sleep 10 mount -t ext2 /dev/block/vold/179:2 /system/sd 1>>$MYLOG 2>>$MYLOG mount -o bind /system/sd/app /data/app 1>>$MYLOG 2>>$MYLOG mount -o bind /system/sd/data /data/data 1>>$MYLOG 2>>$MYLOG mount -o bind /system/sd/dalvik-cache /data/dalvik-cache 1>>$MYLOG 2>>$MYLOG mount >> $MYLOG echo "$(date) Finishing install-recovery.sh" >> $MYLOGnow you need to use a decent text editor (I like vi) on windows I reccomend notepad++
chmod 755 /system/etc/install-recovery.sh chmod 755 /system/etc/init-sd.shFinally, we need to remove everything in the existing /data/app /data/data/ and /data/dalvik-cache
cd /data/app busybox rm -rf * cd /data/data/ busybox rm -rf * cd /data/dalvik-cache busybox rm -rf *now you will notice some odd things happening on the screen of your tablet but that will be fixed
rebootand if all went well you now have all your applications on the sdcard.